Generating simple (low-complexity) landscapes and simulating genotypes
landscapeRpackage: simulating simple landscapes (barrier and two
different values of carrying capacity/habitat suitability): landscape 1 has
low permeability cells (carrying capacity = 5) between habitable patches
(carrying capacity = 100), while landscape 2 has high permeability cells
(carrying capacity = 25), in addition to barriers (carrying capacity = 0)
popRangepackage: simulating 50selectedand 500neutralSNPs based
on thelandscapeR-generated landscape.
Generating high-complexity landscapes and simulating genotypes
virtualspeciespackage: landscape generation based on Bioclim data
Collinearity removed from climatic variables,
PCA of remaining variables performed,
Ranges of PCA values specified (for three metapopulations).
popRangepackage: simulating 50selectedand 500neutralSNPs based on
thevirtualspecies-generated landscape.
Simulated genotypes (50 selected and 500 neutral biallelic loci (SNPs), separately and combined): two migration coefficients
(m=0.1 and 0.5) x two levels of landscape complexity (low and high) x two levels of landscape permeability (low and high)